Tuesday, July 22, 2008

VERY belated 20th PEARL

(might as well, since i'm on a photo-upload-roll)
((yknw how single slices of birthday cakes are usually a tad sad and miserable..well if it's any consolation, i think this is the yummiest slice of birthday cake ever))

very happy girl looking good

i wish .. i could just eat this without having to share with freda and wendy ..

da and i started dancing .. left and right

then bobbing up and down..

omg wassup i really look like a baby here

random; ms wting huang youre sorely missed on a random night sg time 3:02a.m.


btw wasabi peas are rolling around in the can theyre packaged in, making so much noise and giving me random heart attacks at 3:04a.m.
(that was before i discovered the source of those odd sounds (yes it took me 1.5mins to run through the possibilities of where it could possibly come from, fingers frozen midway hovering above my keyboard, and another 0.5min to resume frantic fast furious typing in relief))

don't you know 3a.m. is like an in/auspicious time for ahem..


tonight we're forming our own group of friends, organising activities, dreaming up the life we'd be living had the others not discarded.